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Lesson Policies  

What you can expect from us:
Lessons from a qualified trained professional. Lessons presented in a fun, unique way for each student based on their learning style and ability. No boring lessons here! We try to foster a lifetime love of music.

Our students have gone on to play in churches, college, competitions, weddings, teaching and for enjoyment. Our students have achieved high scores at NYSSMA, All County and All State festivals, and have gone on to college as music majors, theatre majors, sound recording majors and music minors.

Scheduling of Lessons:
Students will sign up for a half hour, 45 minute or hour lesson weekly. We will make every effort to find a mutually agreed upon time for lessons. Your lesson time is reserved for you only. Please take into consideration your child's activities before selecting your time. Once the schedule is set, we may not be able to accommodate lesson time changes.

Lessons will run the entire year. Each instructor will run their own schedule.  Check with your instructor for details.

We understand there may be occasions to cancel: school function, illness, vacation or emergency. Please note our cancellation policy: 1 week notice when possible, 24 hours minimum. Cancellations for illness or emergency should be made as early in the day as possible. Please call or text as soon as you are able. There will be no make up lessons for cancellations made the same day.

Makeup lessons:
If you are going to be out of town on a week other than the scheduled “vacation” weeks, we will schedule a makeup lesson at a mutually agreed upon time. If a student chronically misses their scheduled lesson time, we cannot guarantee a makeup lesson and no refunds will be given. There will be no makeup lessons or refunds for “no-shows” or late cancellations. Currently all makeup lessons are being held online.

In case of inclement weather: Contact us asap and we will determine if lessons will be held or need to be online.

In order to benefit from music lessons, practicing is a must. Although we do not require a set amount of practice time, we do encourage students to practice at least 5 days per week. 

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